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Can you help us?
Through our ownership of Fair for You, we are proving daily that we can remove the poverty premium and improve the wellbeing and lives of low income households most vulnerable to predatory high cost credit.
In the last full Social Impact Report on Fair for You (September 2020), these included better physical health outcomes due to having decent beds and mattresses, spending less on food as a result of having a cooker or a fridge-freezer, and saving on laundry costs and time spent washing and drying clothes.
A separate Health and Wellbeing specific impact report in January 2023 highlighted customers experiencing less stress and feeling more in control of their lives as a result of a Fair for You loan. A further report on the social impact of the Iceland Food Club in 2022 found that two-thirds of people using the Food Club reported that their diet had improved; nearly three quarters said that they are now better able to pay for food and other essentials; eight out of ten reported a drop in the usage of loan sharks; and three quarters were better able to pay bills, rent and Council Tax.
Sponsor a report?
Can you help the Fair Credit Charity’s work by supporting our research and reporting facility? To carry out this work, we need to engage researchers and analyse the huge amount of data that we have access to via Fair for You: creating a valuable and relevant resource to inform regulators, think tanks, and to guide and inform other not for profit lenders.
- Sponsoring a report can include specific areas of concern to you and your organisation
- Sponsoring an event can help us to explain the benefit of better credit solutions on mental wellbeing; housing stability; utility bill and council tax payment;
- Sponsoring a research graduate will widen the research that we do into the impact of high cost credit mutation and the improvement on household wellbeing when an alternative is provided
Become a corporate partner:
Our partners support our work by providing a contribution annually, and are invited to our high profile events.
We are also pleased to acknowledge our corporate partners in all of our reports.